Mixed Views Week – 13-17 March

During 13-17 March, we are excited to be hosting a week-long youth consultation event, MixedViews, listening to the views of young people.

Why are we running this event?

· For local young people to feel heard and seen

· For us to hear what young people have to say about their life, community and what we offer at The Mix

· For the views of local young people to shape the future of The Mix & other relevant aspects of community life

The consultation will be made up of bespoke sessions capturing the views and ideas of young people – this will be run as part of our usual youth work sessions in local schools and at The Mix.

Our amazing youth work team will be running sessions in local primary and secondary schools, at The Mix Stowmarket, and at The Mix Hut in Needham Market.

We have lots of fun activities to take part in, including sessions run by our Young Leaders.

As well as attending sessions, we’d love you to take part in our survey. If you are aged 11 – 25, you can take part in our anonymous survey here

Written by Rose Ling